Saturday, September 29, 2012

3 Day Juice Diet


I checked into this diet a couple years ago. The way it goes is that you take vitamins and supplements and for three days you just drink juice, basically any time that you feel like you are hungry and you lose up to six pounds in that three days. I went and bought myself a whole case of little fruit juice bottles, all different flavors so I at least had a choice of different flavors.

I did try this diet and yes, I did lose the six pounds in the three days but I don't think it was really worth it. Within two weeks I gained four of the six pounds back. I felt like doing nothing, it zapped any energy I had an I didn't feel like doing much other than sitting in my recliner watching TV or surfing on my laptop,

I didn't have any real benefits from this diet.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Dukan Diet - A Review

Dukan Diet

 One day while reading a magazine, I read a story about a woman that was consistently losing weight and what I read seemed like a pretty easy way to go about losing weight on this one particular diet.

Diet Cake?! Nah, I didn't think so!! 
The things that caught my attention to it was that Kate Middleton and her Mother were on the Dukan Diet to prepare for the Royal Wedding and everyone was under the impression that Kate had turned anorexic. What I was reading was describing the dukan diet in general, mentioning that if I ate certain foods, I could eat as much as I wanted as long as I only ate those certain foods and drank 1.5 liters of water per day.
Did it work for me? Actually, yeah it has so far! I've lost close to forty pounds but now it's an on again off again thing now. I find too many goodies and like to indulge on occasion.

Proteins, Water and Walking are the main ingredients to this diet. The reasons you can lose weight on this one are pretty simple. Proteins take longer to digest, while digesting proteins the body burns more calories, the food you are able to eat seem to make you fill full for long periods of time.

There are dangers to this diet, including liver and kidney problems so you really have to pay attention to your liquids and check with your doctor to make sure this is a safe diet for you.

I'm not sure if it was cutting out sugar and using a sugar substitute or white, starchy foods but before this diet I had acid reflux and heartburn. Seems all this has disappeared and I can sleep at night without worrying about being awoke from those symptoms.

Maybe it's just me but on occasion I wander off into a sugar crave and want chocolate or a doughnut. The first two days of the diet I felt a little tired and was lazy. The third day I got a burst of energy that I haven't felt in a long time. Once I start giving into the chocolate or doughnut cravings and cheat on this diet, I can tell it was no good for me, I just feel blah! A nap is all I want after I do that, so since I know what it does to me, I don't do it often.

The first week I lost 12 pounds and was more than excited! I lost 6 more the following week and after that (without walking every day) lost one and a half to two pounds a day. I'm still losing but it seems the longer I do this, the harder it is to resist small temptations. I mean, if someone offers me homemade chocolate chip cookies & I can smell them being baked, it's hard to resist. If someone else cooks dinner besides me, it's hard for me to just eat what I'm supposed to on this diet without feeling that I've offend the chef. This does make me more apt to cook dinner, it's hard for me to hurt my own feelings or offend myself!

Sticking to the diet is the hard part but if you love meat, non fat dairy products and drink the amount of liquid required each day, it's not so bad. As long as a drink has less than five calories per serving (8oz.) you don't have to drink water! Coffee, diet soda, tea all work out to help in the liquid requirements.

I think it's well worth looking into if you need to lose a lot of weight but don't forget, just like any other diet, you need to know the ins and outs of the diet and you need to check with your doctor to make sure he/she thinks it's a good match for you!